Sunday, February 25, 2007

In my experience, whenever people "badmouth" technology, it seems that video games are a big part of their arguement. It's not like it doesnt bother me when I see something on the news about a school shooting or a student acting out and killing some of his classmates. But what bothers me about that is how the parents want to blame the way that their kid acted on music, video games, or something along the lines of that. What the issue really is, is whether or not the parents were good parents. I like to believe that my parents brought me up well. I didn't shoot up my school. But I also listen to heavy metal and play video games. What was different in my situation? If I was looked at by someone who doesn't know me, I would look like someone who would shoot up a school, but i never have, and never will. Why? I think that it's the parents responsibility for how their children act. If children are brought up correctly then there shouln't be any problems. Yet this still happens and parents blame heavy metal and video games, when the problem is bad parenting. Parents need to wake up and realize that it's not music or video games that are making kids crazy, it's bad parenting.

1 comment:

DJ Yokley said...

I agree kind of reminds me that when people point the finger there are always 3 pointing right back at the person. Some are often too quick to point the finger at society, music, and especially video games. Especially nowadays when there seem to be ratings for everything. With the time these parents spend blaming society, they could easily replace it with a good game night with their kids or heaven forbid talking to them.