Sunday, February 11, 2007

How much information are people putting on the internet about their lives?

This seems like an very interesting question and i thought of it the other day when i was actually going to start this entry. It just makes me wonder what information people do put on the net for people to read. More importantly, how many people actually read what you write? I guess if you are blogging for a while, people may read your blog often, and get to know you, partially at least. But i think thats only if you out a lot of information about yourself and all the things you think about, because essentially you have as much space as you want when you type on here. I'm sure though that even if i dont put many personal things in here, some people that read this will actually get to know a part of me.

1 comment:

Jamie Rae said...

That is an interesting question. I think that the amount of information that people post online depends on what kind of site they are using and what kind of person they are. You hear all sorts of stories about online predators, so there have to be people out there who are leaving very personal information for anyone to read. I think it's important to just stay smart about what does and doesn't go online.