Sunday, March 9, 2008

Internships Part 2

Well I start my internship at WKBN this coming week or when I get back from spring break. I'm so excited to be doing this internship. I was talking with one of my friends today and he asked me if I was upset because I would be doing so much at my internship. Before I even had the chance to think about it, my body immediately said no. I said no because I really enjoy shooting and everything that I learned while I've been at college. I love being outside shooting or talking to people about what happened in an accident and making sure that the rest of the public gets to know about what happened. Thats one thing I love about school. I like what I do, and I know that I'll be happy doing that for the rest of my life. I like the fact that its competitive and that there's always ways to improve and make stories more interesting through good story telling and good video. I'm on the home stretch and things are finally falling into place. This is by far the best semester I have had at college and this internship is going to make it so much better.

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